The renowned Dominican comic creator, Leorian Ricardo, president of Moro Studio, has launched an innovative comic writing program aimed at refugee children in Jordan. This initiative stems from Ricardo's vision, which took shape during his participation in the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) program in the United States, where he saw an opportunity to use comics as a tool for social transformation. The project was funded by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund (CDAF) and carried out in collaboration with Evan Odegard, a political science student at Harvard University.
The Transformative Power of Comics
This program gave refugee children a unique opportunity to express their personal stories, emotions, and dreams through the art of comics. Leorian Ricardo emphasizes the importance of this medium as something beyond superheroes and fictional fantasies. According to him, comics provide a space where children can project their desires and experiences, while learning fundamental values such as friendship, perseverance, and empathy.
"The desire to express oneself is a universal right, often silenced by difficult realities. Comics allow children to momentarily escape those realities and find a space to imagine and dream," commented Leorian Ricardo, also the author of comics such as Duarte: Como Nunca Antes Visto and Espíritu Rebelde.
A Program That Encourages Expression and Healing
Throughout the initiative, the children not only developed narrative and artistic skills but also found a way to heal and share their experiences. In a safe and creative environment, they were able to express their emotions and experiences through comic panels, finding a means to process their challenges and articulate their hopes for the future.
The project concluded with an emotional exhibition in a private gallery, where the works of the young participants were showcased to the public. This display not only highlighted the talent of the children but also demonstrated the potential of comics as a powerful tool for personal empowerment and social transformation.
Art as a Tool for Social Change
This comic writing program has proven to be a significant step in using art as a means of expression for vulnerable communities. With the support of talents such as Leorian Ricardo and Evan Odegard, the refugee children have discovered in the comic panels a new way to tell their stories and build bridges toward a truly inclusive and compassionate future.