Dominican Comicbooks
Discover the universe of Dominican comics with stories that explore dominican culture through the imagination of the young local artists .
''Mi Demonio y Yo'', a Dominican miracle on Webtoon
Think... What if one night in your room you realize that you are not alone? If the greatest fear that they implanted in us since childhood became a reality and there really is an unwanted presence sleeping under our beds? But different from...
”Invincible”, una catarsis superheroica moderna
Aristotle said that catharsis is the faculty of tragedy to redeem the viewer by being projected onto the characters of a work. This is why I believe that the imperfect Greek gods and their tendency to low passions are the inspiration of the best...
”Pantaleta”, un paradigma del Cómic Dominicano
Cuando Nicole Hernandez (Nicodomo) empezó a vociferar que vendía ''Pantaletas'', no pude evitar reír a carcajadas. Lo más curioso de este inusual inicio es que lo que para el ojo no entrenado parecía una historieta que no serviría para algo más que hacer un chiste es...