In support of Dominican Comicbooks and its Artists
Since 2015, Cultura Cómic RD has been dedicated to ensuring that the conditions exist, so that the Dominican comicbooks and its artists can proliferate in the Dominican Republic.
Each donation, no matter how small, drives us closer to our goal of turning Dominican Comic Books into a plural cultural product. As the most accessible narrative medium of all, Comic Books are a highway to make Dominican youth more cultured.
Meet the Team
About Us
Cultura Cómic RD is an initiative that seeks to turn Dominican Sequential Art into a plural cultural product. It was founded on May 5, 2015, by Winser Espinal.
It all started with the purpose of sharing with people related to the interest of its creator in sequential art (Comicbooks, Graphic Novels, Manga, etc.) and its other manifestations through media, but as its founder learned more about the community of local sequential artists, wanting to support the proliferation of such an enriching medium in the Dominican Republic became inevitable.
Unite the community of Dominican Artists
It is pointless to support sequential art if we do not forge ties in the community of local illustrators and writers.
Encourage the creation of Comics in the Dominican Republic.
Comicbooks and Graphic Novels are the purest manifestation of Sequential Art and, as a medium, they open the doors to a highly enriching form of expression for artists.
Give access to opportunities for intellectual and economic growth to local artists.
In a country where the masses are just beginning to give artists the respect they deserve, there is still a long way to go before each artist can make a living doing what they are passionate about.
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¡Técnicas para escribir comics!
Es común que el mismo artista escriba su historia pero también otra persona puede escribirla. Un problema que veo mucho con los comics que hacen mis...
Hacer cómics ¿más difícil de lo que pensaste?
Estas líneas están dedicadas a las personas que quieren dejar el comic porque no creen que puedan llegar a ser la clase de artistas que desean. Ese...
Hablando hasta por los comics
¡Hola! Soy Fania Tejeda, una nueva escritora en Comic Dominicano y para presentarme quisiera contar la historia de como una persona introvertida...
Jane Jet, a comicbook with Elisa Féliz' Support
Jane Jet - Nuclear shadows es un comic escrito por Amal Desai y cuenta con el arte de Paul Essenson, colores por Giuliana La Malfa y el entintado de...
Metaxis: A Dominican Comic that Blends Drama and Action
La escena del cómic dominicano recibe un emocionante impulso con el relanzamiento de Metaxis, el llanto del hipócrita, una obra creada por el...
Comic Writing Program for Refugee Children in Jordan: A Dominican Initiative
El destacado creador de cómics dominicano, Leorian Ricardo, presidente de Moro Studio, ha impulsado un innovador programa de escritura de cómics...
"Suzume, Makoto Shinkai touches our hearts again"
Es en ”Suzume”, la más reciente película de Makoto Shinkai, donde podemos encontrar la profundidad que buscan los intelectuales y la accesabilidad que busca el público en general converger en una sóla película.
Muralizing Our Heritage, a mystical experience
Mística tells us about her experience participating in the MURALIZING OUR HERITAGE workshop at the Cultural Center of Spain with Eddaviel.
The Problem of the Multiverse in Comics
Some years ago people began to use the word "universe" to refer to different stories sharing the same continuity (the ...
''Mi Demonio y Yo'', a Dominican miracle on Webtoon
Piensa… ¿Qué pasaría si una noche en tu habitación te das cuenta de que no estás sola? ¿Si el miedo más grande que nos implantaron desde pequeños se...
Cultural Activities
Here are the cultural activities in which, to a greater or lesser extent, we have had a presence.